Cookie Policy

1. Introduction

Our website uses cookies and other similar technologies (which we will also refer to as "cookies"). For example, we use cookies to distinguish users from one another on our website and to provide a better experience for our users. Cookies are also used by third parties that we use for analytics and error tracking. In this Cookie Policy, we inform you about the use of cookies on our website.

2. Why Teacherstack Uses Cookies

We use cookies to enable certain functionailty for our users and store user preferences. For example, the most recent class selected by a user is stored as a cookie. This allows Teacherstack to automatically select that class when the user logs in the next time.

Some third party services used in our website use cookies. We use Google Analytics for tracking user activity (e.g. visiting a webpage). We use New Relic for error tracking. These third party services help us to improve the product for our users.

We use cookies for several purposes, categorized as follows:
  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are essential for the operation of our website. For example, they allow you to log in and remember your selected class for the next session.
  • Functionality Cookies: These cookies enable us to store your preferences and provide enhanced features, such as automatically selecting the most recent class.
  • Performance Cookies: These cookies help us analyze how you use our site to improve your experience. For example, we use Google Analytics to track page visits and New Relic for error tracking.

3. How To Manage My Cookies

By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies for necessary, functionality, and performance purposes. You can manage or delete cookies at any time through your browser settings. If you do so, please note that it may affect your experience on our website, such as requiring you to re-enter preferences that were stored.

Most web browsers allow you to delete cookies already placed, which may delete the settings and preferences controlled by those cookies. You can find instructions to remove any cookies that have been created in the cookie folder of your browser at

4. Do Not Track

Some U.S. state laws require us to disclose whether we honor “Do Not Track” (DNT) settings in your browser. At this time, we do not respond to DNT signals. However, you can manage your cookie preferences as described above, and we will respect your choices regarding data collection and usage.

5. Contact

If you have questions regarding our use of cookies or this Cookie Policy, please contact us at